Global Antitrust & Competition Lawyers | McDermott Will & Emery



– Legal 500 US

Companies and individuals need the right legal counsel to meet the multifront challenges of today’s global antitrust landscape. They turn to McDermott’s antitrust team for the experience, international reach and familiarity with all major national and international regulatory regimes and dispute-resolution forums. We provide effective, coordinated counsel on antitrust and competition laws worldwide.

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  • In the DOJ’s first-ever criminal “no-poach” labor antitrust trial, obtained acquittal for a former senior executive of major healthcare provider DaVita
  • After a lengthy, seven-year legal battle, secured summary judgment – a precedent-setting motion in the US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit – on behalf of Mars, Incorporated, in class actions alleging that chocolate candy manufacturers conspired to fix prices in the US
  • Achieved complete dismissal – the third in a string of victories in the long-standing case – of all remaining claims against the largest dairy cooperative in the US in nationwide and statewide putative class actions alleging monopolization and conspiracy in the market for cheese and dairy products, having successfully resolved parallel regulatory and criminal investigations

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