Giancarlo Castorino | People | McDermott Will & Emery


Giancarlo Castorino focuses his practice on structured finance, with a specific focus on property and acquisition finance, where he mainly assists lenders in both domestic and cross-border transactions.

His extensive client base consists of the foremost Italian banks, such as Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A and UniCredit S.p.A, international banks and investors whom he has assisted and advised in complex restructurings and in the sale of distressed debt portfolios.


  • Assistance provided to a banking institution in connection with a medium- to long-term loan granted to a closed-end real estate fund reserved for qualified investors (including Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A. and the Lombardy Region) investing in social housing, university housing and urban redevelopment in the territory of the Lombardy Region – through a loan granted, in turn, by the European Investment Bank as part of its policy of supporting projects aimed at achieving EU objectives, including those designed to mitigate climate change.
  • Advised a pool of several lenders representing the most important domestic and international banks operating in Italy, in the context of an approximately €1 billion refinancing transaction in favor of an REIF participated in by a foreign sovereign investment authority and managed by an Italian leading real estate operator, concerning a central district in Milan, which represents one of the most renowned and significant real estate development projects in Europe in recent years.
  • Assistance provided to a pool of domestic and international lenders in connection with an approximately €400 million senior facility in favor of a vehicle owned by an Italian public investor controlled by Italian Ministry of Finance, in connection with a prime and large real estate complex located in Rome also in light of an important fit-out program in progress aimed at hosting the office of a leading Italian energy company.

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  • Chambers Europe, Italy: Real Estate: Finance, 2023-2024
  • The Legal 500 EMEA, Hall of Fame, Italy: Banking and Finance, 2023-2024
  • The Best Lawyers in Italy, Banking and Finance Law and Real Estate Law, 2015-2025
  • Who’s Who Legal, Global Leader, Banking & Finance, 2023
  • Who’s Who Legal, National Leader, Italy, Banking & Finance, 2022
  • Chambers Global, Leading individual in Banking & Finance in Italy, 2020


  • Milan Bar Association


University of Messina, 1985

Milan, 1989
Supreme Jurisdiction (Albo Cassazionisti), 2015

Courts / Agencies
Supreme Jurisdiction (Albo Cassazionisti), 2015
