McDermott Advises CAPZA on Minority Investment in Groupe NEO2 | McDermott Will & Emery

McDermott Advises CAPZA on Minority Investment in Groupe NEO2


McDermott Will & Emery has advised CAPZA on a minority investment in Groupe NEO2, a consulting firm specializing in the process industry and infrastructure, alongside management, Bpifrance and Turenne Groupe, which is reinvesting in the new transaction.

With the support of CAPZA, NEO2 aims to accelerate its growth through the development of new offerings and the opening of new offices in France and Europe. The Group also intends to pursue a dynamic external growth strategy, through targeted acquisitions in complementary geographies, service offerings or sectors.

The McDermott team advising CAPZA included:

  • Henri Pieyre de Mandiargues, partner, Stanislas Offroy, Julien-Pierre Tannoury and Pénélope Renard, associates (Corporate)
  • Pierre-Arnoux Mayoly, partner, Stanislas Chenu, Martin Baffou and Clarisse de Roux, associates (Financing)
  • Antoine Vergnat, partner, and Paul-Henry de Laguiche, associate (Tax Law)
  • Naré Arshakyan, associate (Employment Law)

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