Private Client Disputes Webinar Series - McDermott Will & Emery

Private Client Disputes Webinar Series


Managing significant wealth across generations has become increasingly challenging due to burdensome regulations, aggressive state and federal taxing authorities, complex family dynamics, risks to privacy, and other emerging threats.

McDermott’s Private Client Disputes Webinar Series is designed to keep you informed about legal disputes and trends impacting high-net-worth individuals and families, fiduciaries, family offices and their affiliates. Each episode in the series features insights from McDermott and industry thought leaders, delivering key perspectives and practical strategies to help navigate these challenges and threats.


2024 Webinar

Trust and Estate Ethics: When Two (or More) Is a Crowd | McDermott Partners David A. Baker and Margaret E. Sanne discussed the complexities and ethical considerations of representing multiple parties in estate, trust, probate, and guardianship matters. Watch the replay.