China IP Road Show - Seattle | McDermott

China IP Road Show


The US Patent and Trademark Office’s China Intellectual Property (IP) Road Show comes to Silicon Valley, bringing together policy makers and thought leaders on China IP issues from the US government, academia, and practitioners—including local business people and IP experts—to share insights that will benefit US IP rights holders. The program is one of a series of China IP Road Shows that the USPTO is conducting across the United States.

Partner Jay Reiziss to present “Strategies for IP Protection in China: What Washington State Rights Holders Need to Know.”

Other topics to be covered include:

  • Overview of Principal Intellectual Property Laws in China
  • Enforcing Your Intellectual Property Rights in China
  • Enforcing Your Intellectual Property Rights in the US
  • Silicon Valley Businesses’ Experience with IP Protection in China

Location: Intellectual House University of Washington

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