McDermott is proud to be a sponsor of the Council On State Taxation (COST) Spring Meeting and Audit Session on April 28 – May 1, 2025 in New Orleans, LA. Come together with multistate tax professionals, with various levels of experience in state and local income/franchise taxes and sales/use taxes together in an environment that allows for extensive interaction and exchange of information as well as updates on key SALT issues and insights regarding state tax trends and opportunities. The program is targeted to all levels of experience and no advance preparation is needed.
Hear from McDermott partners at the following sessions:
Emerging Issues in Administrative Deference
Tuesday, April 29
Speaker: Michael Hilkin
State taxing authorities frequently issue administrative guidance, such as regulations, notices, bulletins, and rulings, containing anti-taxpayer positions. Much of this administrative guidance is not supported by statute or court decisions, and instead only reflects the taxing authority’s aggressive posturing. Come learn how much weight—if any—a taxpayer should give to the various types of administrative guidance, and how courts’ views of administrative guidance have been
shifting in favor of taxpayers in recent years.
The Top 10 Sales Tax and Income Tax Cases
Thursday, May 1
Speaker: Steve Kranz
This session will cover the Top 10 cases in the past year dealing with all types of taxes. Don’t miss this fast-paced session which will update you on the decisions and the speakers’ insight on how the cases may impact your business.