New Frontiers for Regulatory Litigation Following Loper Bright

New Frontiers for Regulatory Litigation Following Loper Bright: Material Opportunity for Health Systems


As the healthcare regulatory landscape rapidly evolves, especially in the wake of the US Supreme Court’s Loper Bright decision, hospitals and health systems must keep up with emerging litigation trends and policy developments. This webinar explores substantial new opportunities for health systems to advance policy and fiscal goals via regulatory litigation. We examine these trends, their broad applicability and the far-reaching implications they present.

Topics of discussion include:

Loper Bright: The speakers address at length the implications of overturning Chevron as it relates to health systems. The discussion describes why systems may engage with regulatory litigation, and the steps necessary for successfully doing so. The discussion applies these principles to current hot topics:

  • Health Resources and Services Administration: The 340B program
  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Medicare reimbursement and payment policies
  • US Food and Drug Administration: Laboratory-developed tests (LDTs)
  • US Department of Health and Human Services: The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) federal drug pricing regulation

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