COVID Parties - What’s an Employer to Do? | McDermott

Return to Work Virtual Toolkit for Employers | Off-Duty Conduct: COVID-19 Parties and Social Media Ranting—What’s an Employer to Do?


The COVID-19 pandemic has put unprecedented strain on organizations of all sizes across all industries. The uncertainty of the “new normal” is forcing employers all over the world to consider various new policies as workers return to the workplace. To properly navigate the complexities of these novel COVID-19 employment issues, you need innovative but practical solutions.

Many employers who recently reopened are now facing a new challenge—employee off-duty conduct. At stake is both workplace and customer safety as well as the company’s reputation. This webinar will discuss various scenarios employers are likely to face and provide practical strategies to navigate and mitigate potential risk.

Discussion topics include:

  • Employee noncompliance with social distancing guidelines provided by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • Social media considerations
  • Employee privacy concerns
  • Related National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) complaints

We will also conduct a Q&A session with the speakers at the end of the webinar. Please submit your questions in advance during registration.

Minimum continuing legal education (MCLE) credit is pending in California, Illinois and New York. A Multi-Jurisdiction Certificate of Attendance will be made available to participants requesting MCLE credit in all other jurisdictions. To be eligible to earn a CLE certificate, you must attend the entire webinar. Credit for partial attendance will not be provided.

Registration Information

Tuesday, August 11, 2020
12:00 pm – 1:15 pm (EDT)

Zoom webinar
Details sent upon registration

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