Recent Developments in Government Oversight of Cybersecurity

Top Takeaways | Regulators Mount Up! Recent Developments in Government Oversight of Cybersecurity


During our latest Enforcement Series Webinar, Scott Ferber hosted Matt Gorham, leader of PwC’s Cyber & Privacy Innovation Institute and former Assistant Director of the FBI, for an engaging discussion on recent developments in government oversight of cybersecurity, including key practical considerations for this complex regulatory landscape.

Below are key takeaways from the webinar:

  • Cyber Threat Landscape. Threat actors continually are evolving in the tactics, techniques, and procedures they deploy against their targets. It is a significant and rising risk. When nation state actors are nvolved, the risk of compromise is heightened. Ransomware remains a prevalent and pressing threat for organizations across sectors and geographies. Implementing cybersecurity fundamentals, thoughtful planning, and regular exercising go a long way in reducing the risk.
  • Government Oversight. The government at all levels is expecting more of the private sector when it comes to cybersecurity. In the absence of a federal cybersecurity law, much of the oversight is occurring through ad hoc agency action. At the state level, consumer privacy and cybersecurity laws are driving requirements and enforcement.
  • Building a Robust Compliance Program. To level up, organizations should consider implementing compliance programs that can satisfy existing legal requirements while having the ability to evolve to meet ever increasing government expectations. The best of programs involve close coordination among an array of stakeholders, including legal, technical, and operational. Cybersecurity compliance is the ultimate team sport.