Transfer Impact Assessment Webinar - McDermott Will & Emery

Transfer Impact Assessment Webinar


Today’s global economy thrives on data. Organizations rely increasingly on data to manage a global workforce, monitor product placement, stay abreast of supply chain issues and more. The analysis of consumer data allows companies insight into customer preference and to adapt accordingly. International trade cannot take place without a vast amount of data being transferred across the globe.

It is therefore vita that data can flow freely across borders. But the barriers are rising. Compliant data transfer is achievable – though businesses need to be wary of the many pitfalls.

In this webinar, Romain Perray and David Saunders will help navigate the regulatory labyrinth, including an in-depth look at the Schrems decision and an assessment of the impact of the DPA decisions. From what constitutes a cross-border transfer to making sense of the differing rules across various jurisdictions, this webinar will make sure participants have all the data they need to handle data safely

Please note that this is paid training. A participation fee of 875€ / $930 will be required to attend.

Topics will include:

  • Reviewing the scope of the new US-EU privacy framework agreement
  • Understanding the implications and consequences of the Schrems II Act
  • Tools post-Schrems II for transferring personal data outside of the EU
  • Using the new standard contractual clauses : deadlines, modules, modifications, things to consider
  • The impact of the first rulings : Health Data Hub (Conseil d’Etat 13 octobre 2020), Doctolib (Conseil d’Etat 13 mars 2021), Mailchimp (Bavarian Data Protection Authority, unpublished, March 2021), Census 2021 (Portuguese Data Protection Authority, 27 April 2021), as well as the position of the CNIL on the use of American IT solutions for secondary education and research, May 2021.

Case study : Carrying out a Transfer Impact Assessment

To register, please click here. Please note, on completion of the webinar, a participation fee of 875€ / $930 will be billed.

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