COVID-19: Global Guide for Business, Volumes 1 & 2

COVID-19: Global Guide for Business, Volumes 1 and 2


In response to the coronavirus pandemic, our Global Law Firm Network has assembled the COVID-19 Global Guide for Business. The pandemic and the world’s response are constantly evolving. As a result, we have created two volumes of the Global Guide: Responding to the Pandemic and Returning to Work. Download both volumes of this complimentary guide for questions and answers from across Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and North America.

Although all nations are fighting a common enemy in COVID-19, governmental responses to the pandemic have differed significantly based on various factors, including local laws, culture and politics, and the degree of severity of the outbreak in each country. Our complimentary Global Guide is designed for multinational businesses, C-level executives, human resources professionals, in-house counsel and anyone who is interested in learning about the world’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and reopening plans.

The Global Guide includes succinct answers, provided by legal professionals located in more than 50 countries, to important business and employment questions related to government responses to the pandemic and efforts to return to work. The legal professionals who created this guide are members of the McDermott Global Network; without their contributions and continued commitment, this guide would not be possible.

A sample list of questions include:

Volume 1: Responding to the Pandemic
Has your country enacted any special labor or employment measures to deal with COVID-19?
Can employers furlough employees during this COVID-19 health crisis?
Are the federal, state or municipal governments providing any type of economic relief or support for employers and/or employees during this health crisis?
Are employees obligated to disclose to their employer if they have tested positive for COVID-19?
How does the principle of force majeure apply under the applicable contract laws of your country?
What remedies are available to businesses in the event they default with contractual obligations?
Are there any small-business protections available in your country and can the local subsidiary of a foreign entity access them?
Has your country issued any tax amnesty or relief programs because of COVID-19?

Volume 2: Returning to Work
Has your country implemented a reopening plan?
Does your country’s reopening plan include any obligations imposed by the government on employers?