International Legal Highlights - December 2021 | McDermott

International Legal Highlights – December 2021

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Cross-practice Team Recovers $6 Million From Bitcoin Thief in Short Order

The Challenge:

In the emerging cryptocurrency space, most investors store their assets in digital wallets, where—unlike traditional bank accounts—they earn no interest. In the last few years, cryptocurrency investors have increasingly sought to earn a yield on their cryptocurrency holdings by lending Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency to trading and lending platforms in exchange for interest.

One such platform, Cred, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy following a series of thefts and poor decisions. Its customers lost more than a hundred million dollars’ worth of cryptocurrency.

Certain of those customers were appointed to an Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors to act as fiduciaries on behalf of the unsecured creditor body, and they sought to recover their assets. All too often, bankruptcy cases stretch for years without any meaningful recovery for creditors, and cryptocurrency is notoriously difficult to trace. It was uncertain that the Committee would get any of their cryptocurrency back.

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Recent Developments in the South East Asia Renewables Market

Despite considerable challenges, South East Asia is pulling out all the stops to transition to primarily renewable energy in the coming years.

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Competition Policy and The European Green Deal: A Pathway Towards Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency

Hendrik Viaene | David Henry

EU competition rules—particularly State aid, merger control, and antitrust rules—are playing a key role in supporting the goals of the European Green Deal.

In 2019, the European Union presented the European Green Deal (EGD) with a view to mitigating the impact of the climate change crisis. The EGD’s overarching goal is to achieve climate neutrality, i.e., net zero greenhouse gas emissions, by 2050. As part of this ambitious objective, the European Union has put significant emphasis on the urgent need to transition to the use of clean energy and resource-efficient construction. In order to meet this objective, there is a clear need for significant financial investment but, according to the European Union, financial investment alone is insufficient to meet the EGD’s goals. The European Commission believes competition policy also has a pivotal role to play in the success of the EGD. This is shown by the Commission’s recent Call for Contributions, the purpose of which was to gather ideas and proposals on how the competition rules and sustainability policies (including clean energy and energy efficiency) could work together. While the question remains somewhat open as to how competition law instruments can assist in achieving the EGD’s objectives most effectively, the Commission and EU Member States are already actively seeking to exploit the competition rules to achieve the EGD’s climate goals.

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NIST Issues Cybersecurity Framework for Ransomware Risk Management

Michael G. Morgan | David P. Saunders

The Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recently issued a Ransomware Profile* identifying steps organizations can take to prevent, respond to and recover from ransomware events**. According to the profile, its “purpose…is to help organizations identify and prioritize opportunities for improving their security and resilience against ransomware attacks.” NIST encourages organizations to use the document as a guide for profiling the state of their own readiness and to identify gaps to achieve their goal.

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Tax Report Is Coming: What It Could Mean for You

Max P. Biedermann | Carlyn S. McCaffrey | Ellen K. Harrison


Proposed Change: The current estate and gift tax exclusion amount will be cut in half from its current level ($11.7 million) and will be reduced to $5 million per individual, indexed for inflation (estimated to be $6.02 million in 2022), effective for decedent’s dying and gifts made after 2021. The generation-skipping transfer tax exemption will also be reduced in the same manner.

Recommendation: Individuals who have remaining exclusion amounts should consider utilizing them before the end of the year.

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US Deputy Attorney General Signals Aggressive DOJ Focus on Corporate Crime

Edward B. Diskant | Julian L. André | Benton Curtis | Michael S. Stanek | Paul M. Thompson | Sarah E. Walters

At an October 28, 2021, speech before the American Bar Association’s Annual National Institute on White Collar Crime, US Deputy Attorney General (Deputy AG) Lisa Monaco re-emphasized the priority placed by current leadership within the US Department of Justice (DOJ) on prosecuting white-collar crime at both the individual and corporate level. Deputy AG Monaco also announced three new actions that DOJ will be taking—effective immediately—to strengthen the way DOJ responds to corporate crime.

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Hendrik Viaene | David Henry



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Michael G. Morgan | David P. Saunders


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Max P. Biedermann | Carlyn S. McCaffrey | Ellen K. Harrison

現在、米国議会では、3.5兆ドル規模の「Build Back Better(より良き再建)」財政支出計画が進行している。2021年9月13日、米国下院の歳入委員会は、この計画の財源となる一連の歳入増額法案を発表した。この法案は、所得税、遺産税、贈与税の対象となる家族財産の範囲を大幅に拡大するものであるが、多くの点において、バイデン大統領が提案していたものほど厳しいものではない。本稿は、その法案のうち、個人納税者に影響を与える可能性の高い部分を説明するものである。法案が実際どの程度実現するかを予測するには早すぎる段階ではあるが、どのような可能性が真剣に審議されているかを把握しておくことは有用である [1]。

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Edward B. Diskant | Julian L. André | Benton Curtis | Michael S. Stanek | Paul M. Thompson

2021年10月28日、Lisa Monaco司法副長官は、米国法曹協会のホワイトカラー犯罪に関する年次全国研究大会でのスピーチにおいて、米国司法省(「司法省」)の現在の上層部は、ホワイトカラー犯罪の訴追に、個人および企業レベルの両方において、優先的に取り組んでいることを改めて強調した。またMonaco副長官は、企業犯罪に対する司法省の対応策を強化するために、司法省が直ちに実施する3つの新たな取り組みを発表した。

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