International Legal Highlights | June 2022 | McDermott Will & Emery

European Commission Adopted a Proposal Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence

Jacques Buhart | Michinari Matsumoto

On 23 February 2022, the European Commission (EC) adopted a proposal for a directive on corporate sustainability due diligence (the Proposed Directive).1

The EU has already enacted three pieces of legislation that impose supply chain due diligence regarding human rights and sustainability issues. These pieces of legislation only concern specific industries, i.e., the mineral2 and wood3 industries, or require only large companies located in the EU to report non-financial information, including on human rights.4

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DOJ To Devote Substantial Resources To Investigating And Prosecuting Corporate Crime, Emphasizing Importance of Effective Compliance Programs

Julian L. André | Sarah E. Walters | Edward B. Diskant | Paul M. Thompson | Benton Curtis

In March 3, 2022, speeches at the American Bar Association’s Annual National Institute on White Collar Crime (ABA White Collar Institute), US Attorney General (AG) Merrick Garland and US Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division (AAG) Kenneth Polite Jr. addressed the US Department of Justice’s (DOJ) increased commitment to investigating and prosecuting corporate crime.

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Brian H. Jenn | Annette Keller | Dr. Dirk Pohl | James Ross | Andrea Tempestini | Antoine Vergnat | Romain Desmonts | Alessio Persiani

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)/G20 Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE, Pillar 2) Model Rules, published in December 2021, intend to address perceived challenges to long-standing international taxation principles from the increasing digitalization of the economy. If implemented, these rules (Model Rules) would significantly impact the taxation of multinational groups, introducing new complexity to international taxation and nullifying the benefit of tax incentive regimes employed by many countries to attract foreign investment.

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Jacques Buhart | Michinari Matsumoto



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Julian L. André | Sarah E. Walters | Edward B. Diskant | Paul M. Thompson | Benton Curtis

2022幎3月3日、米囜法曹協䌚のホワむトカラヌ犯眪幎次党囜倧䌚ABA White Collar Instituteで行われた講挔の䞭で、米叞法省DOJのMerrick Garland長官AGずKenneth Polite Jr刑事局長AAG) は、䌁業犯眪の捜査・蚎远に関する米囜叞法省DOJの取り組み匷化に぀いお述べた。


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Brian H. Jenn | Annette Keller | Dr. Dirk Pohl | James Ross | Andrea Tempestini | Antoine Vergnat | Romain Desmonts

2021幎12月に公衚された、経枈協力開発機構(OECD)/G20のグロヌバル皎源浞食防止(GloBE : Global Anti-Base Erosion「第2の柱」)モデル芏則は、経枈のデゞタル化から生じる囜際課皎䞊の長期的課題に察凊するものである。圓該「モデル芏則」が斜行された堎合、耇雑な新囜際課皎ルヌルが導入され、海倖から投資を誘臎するため各囜が行っおきた皎制優遇措眮の恩恵も無効ずなるため、倚囜籍䌁業グルヌプに非垞に倧きな圱響が及ぶこずになる。

2015幎以来、デゞタル化から生じる課皎䞊の課題ぞの察凊は、OECD/G20の「皎源浞食ず利益移転(BEPS : Base Erosion and Profit Shifting)包摂的枠組み」の優先事項である。「包摂的枠組み」加盟囜が、2本の柱からなる長期的な解決策を怜蚎するこずに合意埌、「第1の柱」及び「第2の柱」に係る「䜜業蚈画」は2019幎半ばに採択され、2021幎7月にG20財務倧臣䌚合によっお承認された。2021幎11月4日時点で、「2本の柱からなる解決策」に関する声明には、OECD/G20の「BEPS包摂的枠組み」加盟囜140カ囜のうち、䞖界のGDPの90%以䞊を占める137の囜・地域が参加するこずに合意しおいる。「第1の柱」は、課皎暩の再配分ず囜際課皎制床の安定を芋蟌むものであり、「第2の柱」は、ドむツのオラフ・ショルツ副銖盞兌財務倧臣(圓時)ずフランスのブリュノ・ル・メヌル経枈財務倧臣によっお提案されたものだが、特定の倚囜籍䌁業に察しお2023幎より15%の䞖界的な最䜎法人皎率を課すものである。

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