Unpacking the European Digital Package Series | McDermott Will & Emery

Unpacking the European Digital Package Series


The Unpacking the European Digital Package series delves into the most significant policy initiatives shaping the digital landscape in Europe: the respective EU and UK Digital Strategies. They encompass a comprehensive set of policies and legal instruments aimed at enhancing digital competitiveness, strengthening digital rights and fostering digital resilience across the European Union and the United Kingdom.

In Depth

Click on the link for each webinar in our series below to view the recordings and key takeaways.

EU Digital Strategy | E-commerce, Internet of Things and Platforms: Explore how the EU Digital Strategy aims to shape a digital ecosystem that encourages innovation, protects consumer rights and promotes a fair and competitive digital marketplace in the domains of e-commerce, the Internet of Things and platforms.

How the EU Digital Strategy is Relevant to You: Take a closer look at six of the main legal instruments comprising the EU Digital Strategy, to whom they apply and their potential implications for US and global companies in Europe.

Coming Up:

EU Digital Strategy | Cybersecurity: Understand how your organization may be affected by legal instruments such as the NIS2 Directive or the Cyber Resilience Act, which aim to create a secure digital environment that protects individuals, businesses and critical infrastructure from cyber threats.

EU Digital Strategy | Health and Life Sciences: Learn how your business may be impacted by the Artificial Intelligence Act, the Data Governance Act and the European Health Data Space, which are intended to act as catalysts for digital transformation in the health and life sciences sector.

UK Digital Strategy: Find out how UK initiatives such as the Digital Information Bill, the Online Safety Bill and the National AI Strategy may impact or present an opportunity for your business.