
2021 Labor & Employment Legal Update: What’s to Come?
With 2020 quickly coming to a close after an unprecedented and historic year of events, we will look at what changes are expected for 2021 and how those changes may impact you and your organization.
View key takeaways from this webinar.
Join us as we prepare for the year ahead. Topics will include:
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Laws and Trends
- COVID-19 Laws in 2021
- Leaves and Accommodations
- Anti-Harassment, Discrimination, Retaliation and Equal Pay
- Wage & Hour Issues
- Worker Classification
- Class Action and Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) Trends
- Labor Law
Continuing legal education (CLE) Credit will be offered. Minimum continuing legal education (MCLE) credit is pending in California, Illinois and New York. A Multi-Jurisdiction Certificate of Attendance will be made available to participants requesting MCLE credit in all other jurisdictions. To be eligible to earn a CLE certificate, you must attend the entire webinar. Credit for partial attendance will not be provided.
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