McDermott Achieves Top-Tier Rankings in Chambers Europe 2019 for Solution-Oriented and Client-Focused Approach - McDermott Will & Emery

McDermott Achieves Top-Tier Rankings in Chambers Europe 2019 for Solution-Oriented and Client-Focused Approach


McDermott Will & Emery continues to strengthen its position in Europe, securing an excellent set of results in the Chambers Europe rankings for 2019, which included 13 practice area rankings and a total of 25 individual lawyer recognitions across all of its offices.

The announcement comes on the heels of an incredibly successful 2018, during which the Firm surpassed the $1 billion revenue mark for the first time in its 85-year history and delivered strong growth across Europe. McDermott doubled down on its commitment to exceptional client service with a number of key lateral hires and strategic growth in new markets and emerging industries.

McDermott received high praise across the board in Chambers Europe, with commentators stating that the Firm “[has] outstanding, profound knowledge of the law” with a “very commercial and solution-oriented” approach. The guide goes on describe McDermott’s lawyers as “highly responsive and insightful,” adding “the depth and breadth of the team is impressive and [they] consistently deliver the highest quality results.”

Notable practice area rankings include:

Band 1:

• Germany: Corporate M&A Mid-Market
• Germany: Healthcare

Band 2:

• Germany: TMT: Media Band
• France: Private Equity: Buyouts (Acting for Management)

Band 3:

• Germany: Real Estate
• France: Pharma/Life Sciences

Twenty-five individual McDermott lawyers were also ranked, including several high-level positions:

Band 1:

• Dr. Stephan Rau (Germany), Healthcare
Emmanuelle Trombe (France), Pharma/Life Sciences

Band 2:

• Emidio Cacciapuoti (Italy), Private Equity
Giancarlo Castorino (Italy), Real Estate
Henri Pieyre de Mandiargues (France), Private Equity: Buyouts
Dr. Jens Ortmanns (Germany), Real Estate
Dr. Wolfgang von Frentz (Germany), TMT
• Dr. Ralf Weisser (Germany), TMT

Additional lawyers recognized include:

• Peter Crichton (UK)
Timothée Gagnepain (France)
• Jacob Grierson (France)
Jana Grieb (Germany)
• Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Haarmann (Germany)
Dr. Rüdiger Herrmann (Germany)
Dr. Matthias Kampshoff (Germany)
• Dr. Sabine Konrad (Germany)
Stefano Mechelli (Italy)
Carlo Maria Paolella (Italy)
Dr. Dirk Pohl (Germany)
Ettore Scandale (Italy)
Andrea Tempestini (Italy)
Dr. Wolfgang von Frentz (Germany)
• Dr. Nikolaus von Jacobs (Germany)
• Christian von Sydow (Germany)
• Neville Wright (UK)
Hamid Yunis (UK)

Chambers Europe ranks those firms and individuals who are performing at the top of the market, with a particular emphasis on those which are carrying out important cross-border and multi-jurisdictional work. It features Europe-wide tables, as well as country-specific sections. The rankings are based on a combination of research and client feedback, with assessments made on technical legal ability, professional conduct, client service, commercial astuteness, diligence and commitment.

To view the full results in this year’s guide please visit Chambers Europe 2019.

About McDermott

McDermott Will & Emery partners with leaders around the world to fuel missions, knock down barriers and shape markets. With 20 locations on three continents, our team works seamlessly across practices, industries and geographies to deliver highly effective—and often unexpected—solutions that propel success. More than 1,100 lawyers strong, we bring our personal passion and legal prowess to bear in every matter for our clients and the people they serve.

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