McDermott advised MBO+ and the other shareholders of Groupe LT on the sale of the group to MBO+'s continuation fund | McDermott Will & Emery

McDermott advised MBO+ and the other shareholders of Groupe LT on the sale of the group to MBO+’s continuation fund


Paris – July 10, 2024McDermott Will & Emery advised MBO+ and the other shareholders of Groupe LT on the sale of Groupe LT, a leading national construction equipment rental and transport company, to the MBO+ continuation fund.

The McDermott team comprised :

  • Grégoire Andrieux (Partner)
  • Maxime Fradet (Counsel)
  • Luana Bijaoui (Associate)

On corporate aspects

  • Frédéric Pradelles (Partner)
  • Mary Hecht (Associate)

On competition law aspects

  • Antoine Vergnat (Partner)
  • Côme de Saint-Vincent (Counsel)
  • Oriane Beauvois (Associate)

On tax aspects

  • Pierre-Arnoux Mayoly (Partner)
  • Shirin Deyhim (Partner)
  • Hugo Lamour and Clarisse de Roux (Associates)

On financing aspects

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