McDermott Advises Kepler Cheuvreux on the Acquisition of Ellipsis Asset Management | McDermott Will & Emery

McDermott Advises Kepler Cheuvreux on the Acquisition of Ellipsis Asset Management


McDermott Will & Emery is advising Kepler Cheuvreux on the acquisition of asset management company Ellipsis Asset Management.

As part of the development of its asset management activities, the Kepler Cheuvreux group is acquiring Ellipsis Asset Management (Ellipsis AM), a management company with 18 years of experience in convertible funds and specializing in value-added niche management, from Exane SA, a subsidiary of the BNP Paribas group.

The transaction remains subject to the approval of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers.

Ellipsis AM is a recognized for European and global convertible bonds.

The Kepler Cheuvreux Group, which is already present in the asset management space through its subsidiary Kepler Cheuvreux Invest, which specializes in non-listed assets, wishes to expand its offering by proposing a range of funds on listed assets. The acquisition of Ellipsis AM is part of this strategy, with the ambition of making this company the cornerstone of the Kepler Cheuvreux Group’s development in the field of listed asset management.

The McDermott team that advises Kepler Chevreux is composed of Fabrice Piollet (partner), Marie-Muriel Barthelet and Mirela Popstoeva (associates)

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