McDermott Advises Lorient Capital on Close of Continuation Fund for ShiftKey | McDermott Will & Emery

McDermott Advises Lorient Capital on Close of Continuation Fund for ShiftKey


International law firm McDermott Will & Emery advised Lorient Capital, a healthcare-focused private equity firm, on the formation of a single-asset continuation fund in connection with the recapitalization of its portfolio company ShiftKey, a healthcare technology company valued in excess of $2 billion.

The McDermott team was led by investment funds partners Ian Schwartz and Erica Moscarello, corporate partners Fred Levenson and Roy Larson, and tax partner Alex Ruiz. Associate support was provided by Alissa Cardillo, Matthew Stern, Kwabena Yeboah, Emily Jewell and Justin Robinson.

Read Lorient Capital’s press release here.

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