McDermott Advises Oldenburgische Landesbank on Refinancing of Rhein Invest Portfolio Company Aufwind Jugendhilfe | McDermott Will & Emery

McDermott Advises Oldenburgische Landesbank on Refinancing of Rhein Invest Portfolio Company Aufwind Jugendhilfe


Munich, October 11, 2024 – McDermott Will & Emery has advised Oldenburgische Landesbank (OLB) on the refinancing of the Aufwind Jugendhilfe Group held by the private equity investor Rhein Invest.

Aufwind Jugendhilfe is a social institution with around 150 employees in Lünen, Dortmund and Drensteinfurt, Münsterland. Aufwind has been in the portfolio of the German-Dutch investment company Rhein Invest since 2023.

OLB is a profitably growing universal bank for retail and corporate customers in Germany and selected neighboring European countries. Under the brands OLB Bank and Bankhaus Neelmeyer and with Degussa Bank, which was acquired in 2024, the OLB group serves almost one million customers nationwide.

The McDermott team was led by partner Ludwig Zesch and comprised associates Lorenz Schwojer, Tanvi Joshi and Eva Kanela.

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