McDermott Advises Siparex and the Selling Shareholders on the Sale of Hexvia to Argos Wityu | McDermott Will & Emery

McDermott Advises Siparex and the Selling Shareholders on the Sale of Hexvia to Argos Wityu


McDermott Will & Emery has advised Siparex and the selling shareholders on the sale of Hexvia, French market leader in removals services and owner of the Demeco brand, to Argos Wityu, through its Argos Climate Action fund.

McDermott Will & Emery also advised management on its reinvestment.

The transaction remains subjected to the customary approval of the French competition authorities expected to be finalized in the coming weeks.

The McDermott team advising Siparex comprised :

  • Henri Pieyre de Mandiargues, partner, Boris Wolkoff and Alexandre Bomet, associates, Ruben Johannsen and Gauthier Marchand, juristes, on corporate aspects,
  • Antoine Vergnat, partner, Paul-Henry de Laguiche, associate, on tax law aspects.

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