McDermott Paris Promotes 2 Partners and 4 Counsel | McDermott Will & Emery

McDermott Paris Promotes 2 Partners and 4 Counsel


McDermott Will & Emery is continuing its dynamic development and organic growth with the appointment of 2 new partners in Paris: Charlotte Michellet in public law and regulated sectors and Côme de Saint-Vincent in tax; and 4 counsel, Abdel Abdellah in employment law, Charles de Raignac in intellectual property, Lucie Martin specialising in corporate within our life sciences team and Stanislas Offroy in corporate.

Worldwide, the Firm has announced the internal promotions of 43 new partners and 6 counsels, almost half of whom are women. These promotions will take effect from January 1, 2025 and involve 15 of the Firm’s offices.

McDermott will have more than 110 lawyers in Paris from January 1, 2025, including 29 partners and 14 counsels.

To read the full press release in French, please click here.

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McDermott Will & Emery partners with leaders around the world to fuel missions, knock down barriers and shape markets. Our team works seamlessly across practices and industries to deliver highly effective solutions that propel success. More than 1,400 lawyers strong, we bring our personal passion and legal prowess to bear in every matter for our clients and the people they serve.