McDermott Represents Gemspring Capital Management, LLC in its Acquisition of a Majority Interest in ClearCompany Holdings | McDermott Will & Emery

McDermott Represents Gemspring Capital Management, LLC in its Acquisition of a Majority Interest in ClearCompany Holdings


McDermott Will & Emery represented Gemspring Capital Management, LLC (Gemspring), a Connecticut-based private equity firm with $3.5 billion of capital under management, in its acquisition of a majority interest in ClearCompany Holdings (Clear Company), a provider of human capital management software.

McDermott also advised on the structuring, negotiation and documentation of a secured credit facility provided by Monroe Capital Management Advisors, LLC, used to finance the acquisition and for working capital purposes.

The McDermott team was led by Harris Siskind, Jun Won Kim and John Zukin and included Terry Brennan, Adam Perlman, and Michael Kim. Invaluable support was provided by Alex Ruiz, Dino Ilievski, Michelle Strowhiro, Cristell Fortune, Jennifer Mikulina, Ellie Atkins, Nickou Oskoui, Scott Weinstein, Jonathan Ende, Elias Eliopoulos, Adam Long, Mark Bilut, Patrick Ryan, Jennifer Hill, Greg Heltzer, Ty Carson, Stéphane Dionnet, Hendrik Viaene and Mélissa Hui.

The McDermott finance team was led by Samantha Koplik and included Matthew Celentano and Sam Scaletta.

Read Gemspring’s press release here.

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