McDermott Represents Speyside Equity in Continuation Vehicle Transaction with Opta Group | McDermott Will & Emery

McDermott Represents Speyside Equity in Continuation Vehicle Transaction with Opta Group


International law firm McDermott Will & Emery represented Speyside Equity Fund I LP and Speyside Equity Opportunity Fund LP in a single-asset continuation vehicle transaction to support future growth initiatives at portfolio company Opta Group LLC. The transaction was led by Elliott Investment Management L.P.

Opta is a leading global supplier of performance materials and solutions in the molten metal, infrastructure, and specialty chemical industries.

The McDermott cross-border team included: M&A: Tom Sauermilch, Meir Lewittes, Nicole Yoon, Ana Koff; Investment Funds: Ian Schwartz, Prem Amarnani, Alissa Cardillo, Rafa Calatrava; Tax: Alex Ruiz, Michael Bruno, Kevin Hall, Andrew Granek, Rich Call, Jonathan Hague; Finance: Sam Koplik, Haley Caradonna; Executive Compensation: Jeff Holdvogt, Nick Paul; Environmental: Daphne Trotter; RWI: Heidi Steele; International Trade: David Levine, Raymond Paretzky, Raminta Dereskeviciute, Ludovica Rabitti; Merger Control and FDI: Greg Heltzer, Ty Carson, Deniz Tschammler, Alexandra-Sophie Heberle, Elisabeth Vanden Kerchove, Stéphane Dionnet; Tax, Corporate, Labor, France: Antoine Vergnat, Nicolas Lafont, Jilali Maazouz, Abdel Abdellah, Naré Arshakyan; Corporate, Germany: Thomas Ammermann and Uwe Goetker.

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