McDermott Represents SüdBG on Acquisition of a Majority Stake in m+m Gebäudetechnik | McDermott Will & Emery

McDermott Represents SüdBG on Acquisition of a Majority Stake in m+m Gebäudetechnik


Frankfurt, July 14, 2023 – McDermott Will & Emery has advised Süd Beteiligungen GmbH (SüdBG) on the acquisition of a majority stake in Berlin-based m+m Gebäudetechnik GmbH.

The managing partners of m+m Gebäudetechnik will continue to hold a significant stake in the company. Also as part of the SüdBG portfolio m+m will remain an independent company.

The transaction is still subject to approval by the antitrust authorities.

Süd Beteiligungen GmbH (SüdBG) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW) and has been supporting medium-sized companies with equity and equity-related solutions for over 50 years. With capital commitments of more than €500 million, SüdBG is one of the leading investment companies in the German-speaking region.

m+m Gebäudetechnik GmbH, founded in 2019, is a provider of planning, consulting and installation services for large-scale heating, air conditioning, ventilation and sanitation projects in the Berlin and Brandenburg region. m+m employs around 60 people and, in addition to its headquarters in Berlin, has a site in Annaberg-Buchholz.

The McDermott team was led by Frankfurt partner Dr. Michael Cziesla and comprised partners Dr. Christian Marzlin, Dr. Philip Schmidt, Dr. Heiko Kermer, Marcus Fischer, Dr. Christian Masch, Dr. Gudrun Germakowski, Dr. Christian Rolf, Ludwig Zesch, Dr. Maximilian Clostermeyer, Dr. Johannes Honzen, Lisa Schickling, Dr. Fabian Appadoo, Dr. Manuel Weiß, Simon Apelojg, Ilva Woeste, Matthias M. Bosbach, Romy Lanz and Hannah Henseling.