Wilber Boies Honored With National Legal Aid & Defender Association’s 2024 Arthur von Briesen Award | McDermott Will & Emery

Wilber Boies Honored With National Legal Aid & Defender Association’s 2024 Arthur von Briesen Award


International law firm McDermott Will & Emery is pleased to announce Wilber (Bill) Boies has received the 2024 Arthur von Briesen Award from the National Legal Aid & Defender Association (NLADA).

A member of McDermott’s litigation practice, Bill leads a pro bono program that advises national legal aid organizations, Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Account programs, and bar foundations on cy pres awards from the undistributed residue of class action settlement funds. Bill frequently files amicus briefs opposing appeals that argue for the elimination of cy pres awards and advocates for state statutes and court rules supporting cy pres awards for legal aid organizations.

Named after the first NLADA president, the Arthur von Briesen Award honors a lawyer not employed by a legal services or defender program who has made substantial volunteer contributions in support of the delivery of legal services and/or indigent defense representation.

View Bill’s honoree profile here.

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