James A. Cannatti III | People | McDermott Will & Emery


James A. Cannatti III practices at the intersection of today’s most pertinent healthcare issues, including in the areas of digital health, health IT policy, and the fraud and abuse laws. He counsels healthcare providers, health information technology companies, and other healthcare and life sciences organizations on matters ranging from Anti-Kickback Statute, Stark Law and EKRA compliance to information blocking and interoperability. With more than a decade spent in the Office of Inspector General (OIG) at the US Department of Health and Human Services, and the wealth of experience gained from serving as OIG’s Senior Counselor for Health Information Technology, James is well-attuned to the regulatory issues impacting the rapidly evolving healthcare landscape.

While in law school, James also served as a managing editor of The Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution.


  • Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Fabulous Partner Award, 2017
  • Inspector General’s Award for Advancing Excellence and Innovation, 2014
  • Inspector General’s Award for Excellence in Fighting Fraud, Waste, and Abuse, 2014

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  • American Health Lawyers Association


Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, JD, with honors, 2005
The George Washington University, BBA, magna cum laude, 2002

District of Columbia