Michael B. Kimberly | People | McDermott Will & Emery


Michael B. Kimberly is co-chair of the Firm’s Supreme Court & Appellate Litigation and Government & Regulatory Litigation Groups. He has argued eight cases before the US Supreme Court and delivered more than 40 appellate arguments in courts across the country, including every general federal court of appeals. With a remarkable success rate, Michael has won two of every three cases he has argued.

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  • In the First Circuit, successfully defended the invalidation, on federal preemption grounds, of a Puerto Rico law regulating the rates that Medicare Advantage plans must pay providers (MMAPA v. Emanuelli-Hernandez)
  • In the Fourth Circuit, won a unanimous victory defending a dismissal on standing grounds in an challenge under the Administrative Procedure Act concerning the National Environmental Policy Act (Wild Virginia v. CEQ and Chamber of Commerce of the U.S.)
  • In the Tenth Circuit, won a unanimous victory in an ERISA fiduciary duty case involving claims of excessive fees and prohibited transactions (Ramos v. Banner Health)

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  • Chambers USA, Nationwide Appellate Law, 2021-2024
  • District of Columbia Courts, Capital Pro Bono Honor Roll, 2023
  • Legal 500 US, Dispute Resolution: Appellate-Courts of Appeals/Appellate – Leading Lawyer, 2023-2024

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  • The NYU Institute of Judicial Administration, board of advisors
  • Georgetown Supreme Court Institute, member
  • Yale Law School, visiting lecturer in law


Yale Law School, JD, 2008
University of Pennsylvania, MA, 2005
Princeton University, BA, summa cum laude, 2003

District of Columbia

Courts / Agencies
US Supreme Court
US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit
US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit

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