Jacob (Jake) A. Kuipers advises public and private companies on cross-border transactions, with a particular emphasis on strategic investments, international acquisitions, and complex commercial arrangements. Jake also regularly serves as primary outside counsel for clients, advising on general corporate governance and operations.
Jake’s experience covers strategic risk analysis, global investment law, and the rule of law in multinational ventures. Drawing on his research and international experience, he has written numerous articles for a variety of publications.
While in graduate school, Jake served as executive articles editor of the Boston College International and Comparative Law Review and legal editor of The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs. He also served as an executive board member and project leader for the Harvard Law and International Development Society and was a lead judge in the Model International Criminal Court in Krzyzowa, Poland.
- Boston Network for International Development, secretary and board member
Tufts University, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, MALD
Boston College Law School, JD, 2016
Middlebury College, BA, magna cum laude, 2007
New Hampshire