Michael S. Nadel | People | McDermott Will & Emery


Michael S. Nadel is a first-chair trial lawyer, litigator, and advisor to businesses and ultra-high-net-worth families. He solves clients’ most difficult and sensitive problems.

Michael has won jury trials and arbitrations involving breach of contract, trade secret misappropriation, fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, patent and trademark infringement, the False Claims Act, unfair competition, defamation and deceptive trade practices. He won the first jury verdict obtained by any litigant under the Defend Trade Secrets Act, the federal trade secret statute. Recently, Michael won mission-critical victories for clients in the fields of technology, healthcare and heath data licensing. He also engineers successful outcomes in contentious intrafamily and intrabusiness disputes and has won guardianship, conservatorship and trust battles.

Beyond the courtroom, Michael leverages his quarter century at McDermott to marshall the Firm’s global resources for transactions, investigations and crisis management efforts.


  • Allscripts Healthcare / Veradigm v. Decision Resources Group / Clarivate (D. Mass.)—Lead trial counsel for plaintiff in contract dispute involving licensing of de-identified electronic health records data and health claims data (Real World Data). Won jury verdict for breach of contract following three-week trial. Defeated all counterclaims.  Prevailed in post-trial injunction proceeding.  Won award of attorneys’ fees.
  • Dalmatia Import Group v. FoodMatch (E.D. Pa.)—Lead trial counsel for plaintiff in four-week jury trial on trade secrets, trademark infringement, and defamation claims. After winning verdict, won trebling of damages and secured permanent injunction.

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  • Washington, DC, Super Lawyer, 2013 to 2021
  • The Legal 500 United States, 2018


  • B’nai B’rith Youth Organization (BBYO), past national board member and DC board chairperson
  • Repair the World, past board of directors member


George Washington University Law School, JD, with honors, 1999
University of Pennsylvania, BA, cum laude, 1996

District of Columbia

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