Alexander P. Ott | People | McDermott Will & Emery


Alexander (Alex) P. Ott focuses his practice on litigating complex patent disputes and representing clients in a variety of high technology industries, including the semiconductor, consumer electronics, telecommunications, pharmaceutical and software industries. He is a registered patent attorney with significant experience in patent prosecution matters. Alex has represented clients in federal district courts, in Section 337 investigations before the US International Trade Commission (ITC), in inter partes review (IPR) and post-grant review (PGR) proceedings at the US Patent and Trademark Office, and before the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

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  • Representing Analog Devices in the District of Massachusetts in a patent case regarding semiconductor manufacturing technologies
  • Represented Analog Devices in the District of Massachusetts in a trade secrets and breach of contract case regarding thermoelectric cooler controllers
  • Represented Feit Electric Co. in a Section 337 investigation at the ITC related to filament light-emitting diodes

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  • Legal 500 US, 2021
  • Super Lawyers, Washington, DC, “Rising Star” in Intellectual Property Litigation, 2014 to 2020


Tulane University School of Law, JD, cum laude, 2010
Georgia Institute of Technology, BS, Electrical Engineering, 2005

District of Columbia

Courts / Agencies
US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit
US District Court for the District of Columbia
US District Court for the Northern District of Texas
US District Court for the Western District of Texas
US Patent and Trademark Office