Jeff Weinstein | People | McDermott Will & Emery


Jeff Weinstein helps life sciences and healthcare clients navigate complex regulatory landscapes, achieve best practice compliance, manage investigations and respond to government enforcement. His preventive law mindset enables him to help clients steer clear of legal minefields and find the enterprise-transforming opportunities that the dynamic and ever-changing operating environment can offer legally astute managers.

Specifically, Jeff advises manufacturers and distributors of Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-regulated products on achieving market access, overcoming competitive challenges and reducing enforcement risk at every stage of the product life cycle. He has extensive background in counseling medical device, pharmaceutical and biologics manufacturers, software and equipment vendors, and physician practice management (PPM) companies on regulatory due diligence in transactions and representing them in contract negotiation.

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  • Performed regulatory due diligence and developed healthcare contracts for practice acquisitions by multistate specialty PPMs*
  • Audited leading regenerative medicine wound care manufacturer sales operations and contracting processes for safeguards under the Anti-Kickback Statute and other federal fraud and abuse law*
  • Negotiated contracts with major US academic medical centers on behalf of pioneering blood and platelet supply vendor*

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  • OIG-HHS, Inspector General’s Award for Advancing Excellence and Innovation, 2016; Inspector General’s Exceptional Achievement Award, 2016; Inspector General’s Cooperative Achievement Award, 2011
  • Council of the Inspectors General for Integrity and Efficiency Award for Excellence, 2011


  • American Health Law Association, Member


University of Michigan Law School, JD, 1993
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MS, 1990
Williams College, BA, 1987

District of Columbia