Strategic Trademark Counseling | McDermott Trademark Lawyers

Trademark & Copyright Strategy & Counseling


World Trademark Review

Building and protecting the identity and reputation of your brand is paramount. Whether you are launching a new product or safeguarding your brand from new competition, it’s essential to partner with strategic trademark counsel.

That’s where we come in. Our business-first perspective makes us uniquely equipped to support all aspects of your company’s growth. From global trademark registration and enforcement to identifying and licensing copyrightable material and resolving fair use disputes, we are deeply invested in your success.

Depiction of The IP Lifecycle showing icons representing the following stages, in order, with arrows in between: Strategize, Build, Protect, Enforce, and Monetize. Strategize and Build are bolded while the final three stages are grayed out.

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A diverse, global network of industry-leading talent committed to you and your vision.